Tag Archives: cosmetic dentist indianapolis

Can Dental Bonding Help Cover My Gum Recession?

Receding gums can make you conscious about your smile and can affect your self-esteem. To say that it can be scary experience is only fitting. Luckily, there are several treatment options available at your dentist’s clinic to help fix this problem, one of which is dental bonding.

What Is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is a dental procedure that involves the application of a composite resin to repair decayed, chipped, fractured and discolored teeth. For aesthetic purposes, the bonding is created to be that of the same shade as that of a patient’s surrounding teeth.

The procedure is considered as one of the cheapest and least-intrusive dental procedures available today. Although often used for cosmetic purposes, dental bonding has several functional benefits too. For example, the bonding material can be used to close tooth gaps, and change the shape of the teeth. Additionally, it can also be used as a cosmetic alternative to fillings.

The bonding can also be applied to the exposed areas on the tooth’s root caused by gum recession. This can help provide necessary protection to the roots and prevent cavities from forming. Even better, the bonding can also help address any sensitivity issues that may be caused by the roots being exposed because of gum recession.

Furthermore, for aesthetic purposes, bonded composite fillings can also be used to mask darker yellow-colored roots found in gaps between the gums and the crowns of the bridge.

Is It A Permanent Solution?

Unfortunately, applying bonding at the gumline is more of a cosmetic and temporary solution than anything else. Case in point, your gums may have receded because you brush your teeth too hard. Or, your parents also had gum recession, so you were born with a higher risk for receding gums. Either way, dental bonding cannot solve both problems, and you’re better off discussing things thoroughly with your dentist if you’re looking for a permanent solution to your receding gums.

Other Treatment Options

Of course, dental bonding is but one of the many treatments available for gum recession, and is considered to be mostly just cosmetic. If your gum recession is caused by poor oral health, it’s more likely that you’ll need to work with a dentist who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of gum disease, otherwise known as a periodontist. This is because your teeth and gums might require a deeper cleaning known as scaling and root planning.

Although very rare, it’s also possible for those with gum recession to require surgical treatment, specifically a gum graft. Also done by a periodontist, the surgical procedure involves grafting the gum tissue to cover exposed root surfaces and prevent further complications.

If you’re only mildly affected by receding gums, then you don’t have to worry much. The dentist will simply help identify the cause and give you instructions on how to treat it.

If you want to minimize your risk for gum recession, then be sure to take care of your oral health. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles, be gentle on your teeth when brushing and flossing and wear a night guard if you grind your teeth. Also, visit Dr. George Kirtley as soon as you experience any kind of persistent pain. Call for an appointment today at 317-841-1111. Or visit the website at www.smilesbygeorge.com.



Make Small Teeth Look Bigger with Porcelain Veneers

porcelain veneers

Teeth can look small for a variety of reasons. It may be too short, or too narrow, or it may just look small because too much gum tissue is visible. Despite the different possible reasons, however, having small teeth is very rarely considered a medical problem. Even so, having very small teeth is still considered as a problem that only dental professionals can fix. Albeit, an aesthetic one. In particular, those who’ve always wanted a big and beautiful smile that shows off their teeth may worry about their smiles showing too little teeth.

Although there are numerous possible treatments for those with small teeth, porcelain veneers are considered as the surest bet as far as aesthetics go.

How Porcelain Veneers Can Help

There are many ways porcelain veneers can help those with small teeth. If the teeth are too narrow, porcelain veneers can help add width to make them look larger. If they’re short, adding porcelain veneers can make the teeth look longer, provided your bite allows increased length. Put simply, porcelain veneers are an excellent way to help change the size, color, shape and width of your teeth and smile.

The process involved in getting porcelain veneers makes sure that everything is proportionate and blend well with the aesthetics of your face and features. Both photos and impressions of your teeth are then taken. These are then sent to a dental laboratory for “wax-ups”. Once done, most cosmetic dentists will allow you to do a trial smile before the actual procedure starts. But once it does, however, it usually is straightforward and doesn’t involve much pain, if any at all.

While the process may involve plenty of “checkpoints”, which may involve wearing temporaries, this is only done to make sure that your new teeth look great on you and fit you well.

Other Alternatives

Of course, porcelain veneers aren’t the only procedure available for those who may see their teeth as “too small”.

For example, if the gum line is too low and more tooth needs to be exposed, the cosmetic dentist may recommend a gum lift instead. Doing so could help make most of the teeth show enough to make them look bigger or longer without the need for porcelain veneers.

Those who tend to grind their teeth frequently and aggressively may also have short teeth. If that’s the case, the treatment is usually a bit more complex. Instead of gum lifts or porcelain veneers, the cosmetic dentist may recommend a form of full mouth reconstruction, which involves changing the bite and creating room to make the teeth look taller, among many other things.

Of course, because there are a number of possible solutions to small teeth, it’s best to visit Dr. George Kirtley to find out which option is best for you. Call today at 317-841-1111 or visit the website at www.smilesbygeorge.com.

Dental Crowns: The Key to Your New Smile | Indianapolis Dentist

crownsHaving a perfect smile is something that not many people have, but many strive to achieve. One of the biggest issues with teeth are damages incurred by everyday activities, whether it be a natural occurrence that developed over time or something that happened completely by accident. The good news is, there is a procedure that can be done to bring your smile back. And this cosmetic procedure is to replace your flawed tooth with a dental crown. With the use of crowns, you can have the smile you have always dreamed of.

No, we aren’t talking about the shiny hat worn by royalty. Dental crowns are a cosmetic restoration used to improve your tooth’s shape or to strengthen a tooth. Crowns are most often used for teeth that are chipped/broken, worn, or have portions destroyed by tooth decay.

Crowns are “caps” cemented onto an existing tooth, fully covering the portion of your tooth above the gumline. In effect, the crown literally becomes your tooth’s new outer surface. Crowns can be made of porcelain and/or metal, but porcelain crowns are most often preferred because they mimic the characteristics of an actual tooth, both in their translucency of natural teeth and because the chemical makeup of porcelain makes these types of crowns very strong. Dental crowns also drastically decrease the amount of bacteria build-up that can lead to the loss of more teeth.

When debating between getting a crown or a filling, crowns are often preferable to silver amalgam fillings. Unlike fillings which apply metal directly into your mouth, a crown is fabricated away from your mouth. Your crown is created in a lab from your unique tooth impression which allows a dental laboratory technician to examine all aspects of your bite and jaw movements. Your crown is then sculpted just for you so that your bite and jaw movements function normally once the crown is placed.

Dental crowns look extremely natural because the porcelain and composite resin crowns match the exact shade of your natural teeth. With dental crowns, you will not be able to tell the difference from your crowns and natural teeth. Because dental crowns are made from porcelain, a material that is not prone to discoloration, dental crowns are stain-resistant. With durable materials used for your dental crowns, dental crowns can last up to 15 years. With dental crowns, patients can go about their daily routines without constantly worrying about their dental crowns falling out of place.

For more information on dental crowns and to make an appointment call, Dr. Kirtley at 317-841-1111 or visit his website dentalimplantsinindianapolis.com.

Dr. Kirtley gladly welcomes patients from Indianapolis, Spring Hill, Beech Grove, Wynndale, Speedway, Rocky Ripple, Warren Park and all surrounding areas.

I Knocked Out My Tooth: Is It Lost Forever? | Indianapolis Dentist

Though many hockey players consider a lost tooth a badge of honor, it is possible to reimplant a knocked-out adult tooth. A severed root experiences damage to blood vessels and tissue, but the ligaments connecting the tooth to the bone can be re-formed. The key to a successful reimplantation is how the missing tooth is stored and for how long.

Assuming you can find the tooth, avoid scraping off any dirt particles, as you risk damaging the root further. Instead, rinse it gently with a saline solution while carefully handling it by the crown. If possible, place the tooth back in its original socket, or store it in a small container with saline or milk. Milk—containing proteins, sugar, and antibacterial substances—provides the ideal environment for a lost tooth. As an added bonus, the sugars in milk help feed cells, which need to remain alive and growing in the short term.

Don’t have access to any of the above? Don’t panic. Your cheek will work well for storage in the interim; just be careful not to swallow your precious cargo.

Placing pressure on the gums will also help to reduce the bleeding and pain as you are en route to the dentist. Depending on the damage, a successful reimplanted tooth can heal significantly in three to four weeks, and become fully repaired within two months.

For more information on options for your missing tooth and to make an appointment call, Dr. Kirtley at 317-841-1111 or visit his website smilesbygeorge.com

Dr. George Kirtley welcomes patients from Spring Hill, Beech Grove and Warren Park

In-Office and Home Teeth Whitening

teeth cleaning

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. This is why it’s important that you invest in them to make sure that they always leave a good, lasting impression.

Chances are, though, that your pearly whites aren’t exactly as white as you’d like them. This may have caused you to become conscious about them and as a result, your self-esteem has suffered because of this.

Now, while white teeth aren’t the only ingredients of a bright and radiant smile, they are one of the most important, which is exactly why you should take the time to learn about teeth whitening treatments.

Teeth Whitening Treatments

Generally, there are two types of teeth whitening treatments – home tooth whitening systems and in-office teeth whitening.

The former is widely considered as more popular because there are plenty of available tooth whitening systems out there that are easy to use and very cheap.

Even without the prescription or the supervision of a dentist, anyone can use over-the-counter teeth whitening products. The most common are paint-on tooth gel, mouth trays, whitening gum and toothpaste, as well as whitening strips.

Safety is very rarely an issue with these products as well, but if you’re having reservations, you can ask your dentist first.

In-office teeth whitening

Less popular compared to home tooth whitening systems, in-office teeth whitening is the preferred whitening method by most dental professionals. This is because these types of treatment are just much more effective and safer too.

Generally falling under the category of cosmetic dentistry, it’s important that you find a certified and experienced cosmetic dentist before you undergo such a treatment. Otherwise, you may just end up wasting your money.

Once you’ve found the right cosmetic dentist, the fun starts.

There are various ways dentists can professionally whiten your teeth, but what’s widely accepted as the most effective is the use of a buffer in the gel, which protects the tooth enamel from any kind of damage. The use of such a gel makes the procedure not only safe, but also very effective and has been known to transform teeth many shades lighter in just a single visit.

As effective as in-office teeth whitening treatments are, it does have its limits.

This type of treatment can only affect the front teeth, usually the eight that are most evident when you smile. But, still, eight much whiter teeth are still better than none at all and is a great way to jump start your whole teeth whitening program, something that you can or, rather, should continue at home.

Have a brighter smile today

While it is impossible for you to have a totally brighter smile immediately, you can at least rejoice in the fact that it will happen, so long as you work at it.

With your cosmetic dentist’s help and proper oral care, as well as the use of dentist recommended home whitening products, not only will you have whiter and better-looking teeth, but they’ll also be much healthier too.

Learn more about teeth whitening today by calling George Kirtley D.D.S. at 317-841-1111. Learn more about Dr. Kirtley by visiting his website at www.smilesbygeorge.com.


Why Cosmetic Dentists Are Different From Your Average Dentist

close up smile red lipstick

When people hear the word “cosmetic dentists”, most would say that they’re no different from your average dentist or that they mainly dabble and are only interested in the aesthetics of their patient’s smile. Either way, it’s usually one of the two.

Of the two, neither is totally correct. Yes, cosmetic dentists are concerned about the beauty of their patient’s smiles, but they do also treat the same dental problems that your average dentist does.

What makes them different, in particular, is just how they pay attention to the maintenance and improvement of the natural beauty of the smile of their patients.

Take metal composite fillings, for example. The average dentist will usually recommend this particular dental restoration method because it’s been around for centuries already. However, most cosmetic dentists disagree with this.

While gold crowns and dental fillings are quite effective, they’re not particularly safe. Criticism about them containing traces of mercury aside, metal composite fillings tend to expand and contract over time, causing unnecessary damage to the teeth. And, of course, they don’t exactly look all that good.

For cosmetic dentists, porcelain is their material of choice when it comes to repairing any type of damage to their patient’s teeth because they’re malleable, easy to use, safe and most important of all, aesthetically pleasing.

The Key Difference

Cosmetic dentists also treat many of the same dental issues that general dentists deal with, such as:

  • Chipped or damaged teeth.
  • Misaligned bites.
  • Missing and/or decaying teeth.

However, the key difference here is that cosmetic dentists prefer methods that focus on both treating the problem, while at the same time, addressing the aesthetical aspect.

The keyword here is aesthetics.

Cosmetic dentists, unlike general dentists, make it their job to protect both the structural integrity and aesthetics of their patient’s smile. And, while elective, there are many cases where the treatments offered by cosmetic dentists provide much better restorative benefits compared to conventional methods, such as:

The Different Benefits Offered By Cosmetic Dentists

  • Correction of any physical flaws. The procedures preferred by cosmetic dentists can help conceal, as well as correct plenty of dental problems, from misshapen teeth, chips, cracks, unsightly gaps and stains, and so on.


  • Improved self-esteem. You yourself would probably agree that the one thing that’s stopping you from smiling more often is that your teeth aren’t exactly something that you’re proud of. Well, cosmetic dentists can help fix that for you so that you can smile away all you want and be prouder of the way you look. This, in turn, can help give your self-esteem a much needed boost.


  • Prevention of damages in the future. While most of the procedures are designed to help make teeth look beautiful, they can also affect it positively in other ways. For example, porcelain bonding can help improve the structural integrity of the teeth. Also, cosmetic dentists can cover up hairline fractures or worn edges to not only improve their appearance, but also to prevent further damage to these problem areas.



If you’re interested in taking your oral care a bit further and focus on improving your smile, be sure to schedule an appointment with George Kirtley DDS at 371-841-1111 today to see how he can transform your smile! To learn more visit our website at www.smilesbygeorge.com.

Dr. George Kirtley welcomes patients from Spring Hill, Beech Grove and Warren Park.


Is a Dental Implant for You? | Indianapolis Cosmetic Dentist

tooth whiteningMany people are living with damaged teeth in form or another. Perhaps you are one of those people? Do you have a cracked tooth, a severe cavity or physical trauma to a tooth, stemming from an accident? With circumstances like these the chances are more than likely that your tooth may not be able to be saved. Modern dentistry has a number of options that look and feel like a natural tooth, and one of the most common solutions for teeth that can’t be saved is the dental implant.

What is a dental implant? A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is placed into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge(perio.org), through a combination of procedures that work together to provide a prosthetic tooth for patients. The procedure for installing the implant is straightforward, but takes time.

Implants consist of three primary components:

– A titanium post screwed into the bone of the tooth socket

– A titanium extension post is attached to the screw base and provides a socket for the crown

– A dental crown – often porcelain – is attached to the middle titanium post

Once the damaged tooth is removed, the area will be allowed to heal. Once healed, the post is attached to the bone, and again the mouth is allowed to heal. During this time, a lightweight temporary crown will be placed (often using a retainer) to maintain the patient’s smile and protect the post. After the screw is healed in place, the new permanent crown is attached, and the patient has a new artificial tooth that looks exactly like the tooth it replaced.

Dental implants are a popular choice because they last a very long time, have a high success rate, can be used for treating a wide variety of serious problems, and provide a replacement tooth that is almost indistinguishable from a natural tooth. Dental implants are popular among patients because the implant looks and feels like a tooth, implants do not require special cleaning like bridges, and they do not need to be removed nightly like dentures.

Once the procedure is complete, the resulting implanted tooth will allow you to eat normally, speak normally, and will look and feel just like a natural tooth. The dental implant has a very high success rate. However, there are many variables, especially the timing between each step of the procedure, so be sure to talk to your dentist about specifics before you commit to the procedure.

Properly cared for dental implant can last for decades.  If you have a tooth that is damaged, or if you believe a dental implant may be right for you, ask your dentist about implants.

For more information on dental implants and to make an appointment call, Dr. Kirtley at 317-841-1111 or visit his website dentalimplantsinindianapolis.com 

Dr. Kirtley gladly welcomes patients from Spring Hill, Beech Grove and Warren Park.

Types of Cosmetic Procedures | Indianapolis Cosmetic Dentist

459899307Are you looking for a perfect smile? Modern dentists have many dental procedures that focus on aesthetics rather than simply oral health. Some cosmetic procedures are superficial, others are significant and involve surgery, but nearly every visible problem is treatable with one or more cosmetic procedures.

Common cosmetic procedures include the following:
– Composite white fillings repair cavities without having silver filling in the mouth. Existing metal fillings can be replaced with modern white resin
– Bonding uses composite resin to help change the size, shape, or color of teeth. Because it attaches to teeth in the same way that composite fillings attach, bonding can be used to fix chips on visible front teeth.
– Teeth that are discolored or stained can be whitened – either in the office or using take-home trays
– Veneers – a thin layer of porcelain on top of the tooth – can be used to change tooth shape, size, or color
– Crowns can be used as a cap on top of teeth damaged by cracks or decay
– Orthodontics – either traditional or Invisalign – can be used to permanently straighten teeth.
– Gum tissue can be surgically altered – either added via grafts to help with recession, or removed to create a more appealing tooth length
– For missing, broken, or severely damaged teeth, full implants can be used to provide a replacement tooth

Because modern dentists have implants as a final catchall, virtually any problem – even major problems involving multiple missing teeth – can be solved given enough time and room in the patient’s budget. However, your dentist will be able to guide you through the process, creating a treatment plan that maps the various procedures and prioritizes them – making sure that the procedures are done in the proper order to maximize their effectiveness. If you have elements of your smile you’d like to change, or if you have questions about particular cosmetic procedures, call your dentist and schedule an appointment – they’ll be happy to explain the procedures, pros, cons, and discuss whether or not you’re a candidate for any various procedure.

Contact Dr. George Kirtley for an appointment today to get the bright white smile you have always wanted at 317-841-1111 or generaldentistryindianapolis.com.

Dr. George Kirtley welcomes patients from Spring Hill, Beech Grove and Warren Park

Is Sedation Dentistry for You? | Indianapolis Cosmetic Dentist

sedation-dentistryAre you one in the millions of Americans considered to have a dental phobia? Maybe you had a bad experience as a child, maybe you just can’t handle people and instruments that close to your face. Whatever it is, you’re definitely not alone. Which is why Dr. Kirtley offers sedation dentistry.

Dental anxiety and phobia are extremely common. It has been estimated that 9% to 15% of Americans avoid seeing the dentist because of anxiety and fear. That’s about 30 million to 40 million people. In a survey by the British Dental Health Foundation, 36% of those who didn’t see a dentist regularly said that fear was the main reason. Dental phobia keeps many people from seeing their dentists for regular check-ups, which could result in poor oral health. The British Dental Health Foundation has found that 1 in 10 people suffer from dental anxiety. Also, women are more likely to suffer from this phobia than men.

The most common fear of visiting the dentist is having a tooth drilled and the local anesthetic injection. People are not born with a fear of the dentist, you develop it and can overcome it. Today dentistry is much different than it used to be. It can be a pain free, anxiety free experience. Relaxation and sedation techniques have been proven in helping overcome dental phobias.

Some of the signs of dental phobia include:

  • You feel tense or have trouble sleeping the night before a dental exam.
  • You get increasingly nervous while you’re in the waiting room.
  • You feel like crying when you think of going to the dentist. The sight of dental instruments — or of white-coated personnel in the dentist’s office — increases your anxiety.
  • The thought of a dental visit makes you feel physically ill.
  • You panic or have trouble breathing when objects are placed in your mouth during a dental appointment(Source: colgate.com).

Dr. George Kirtley offers sedation dentistry for patients with dental phobias and anxiety. For those that are very anxious or if you are undergoing a longer procedure we offer conscious sedation. This treatment uses a combination of medications that put you into a very relaxed dream like state.

Our patients have commented that if they had known how comfortable treatment was under sedation they never would have had any worries about dental treatment. This is such a relaxing procedure that it’s often referred to as sleep dentistry.

If the above describes you, contact Dr. Kirtley for a consultation about what sedation dentistry can offer you.

For more information on sedation dentistry and to make an appointment call, Dr. Kirtley at 317-841-1111 or visit his website dentalimplantsinindianapolis.com 

Dr. Kirtley gladly welcomes patients from Spring Hill, Beech Grove and Warren Park.

Is Cosmetic Dentistry For You? | Indianapolis Cosmetic Dentist

selfieIn todays modern times cosmetic dentistry has advanced to the point where we can completely overhaul our smile, sometimes in as little as one visit. Now a days cosmetic dentistry isn’t just for celebrities and the wealthy, there’s now a wide variety of options and price ranges that put a better smile within reach for many patients.

Traditional dentistry addresses the health of your teeth and gums, cosmetic dentistry focuses on the appearance of your teeth. From subtle changes to major overhauls with oral surgery, there are a variety of cosmetic dentistry procedures that can treat teeth that are discolored, misshapen, chipped or missing.

So is cosmetic dentistry right for you?

Below are the most common cosmetic procedures:

Teeth whitening: This procedure brightens teeth that are discolored or stained. Teeth whitening, or bleaching, can be done in a dentist’s office or at home with a system dispensed by the dentist.

Bonding: This can improve the appearance of teeth that are chipped, broken, cracked, stained, or have spaces in between them, by bonding tooth-colored materials to the tooth surface.

Veneers: These are thin, custom-made porcelain shells that cover the front of the teeth to disguise discoloration or imperfections.

Tooth reshaping: This procedure changes the teeth to improve their appearance by modifying or removing enamel. Tooth reshaping (also known as dental contouring) is often combined with bonding.

Crown lengthening: This can fix a “gummy” smile or an uneven gum line by removing excess gum tissue to expose more of the tooth’s crown and give the appearance of longer teeth. This involves minor oral surgery.

Smile makeovers: These procedures involve a comprehensive assessment of the overall appearance of the teeth and smile. Typically, several cosmetic dentistry procedures are required to overhaul the look of a patient’s smile. Think of it as a facelift for the mouth(Source: everydayhealth.com).

Of course before having a cosmetic procedure done, your oral health must be in good shape. You need to have strong healthy teeth for a cosmetic procedure to work. Many patients think they can walk in with a existing problems (cavities, etc.) and walk out with a Hollywood smile; not understanding the chain of events that must occur prior to be a good cosmetic candidate.

To determine if you are a good candidate for cosmetic procedures, and to find out which cosmetic procedure will give you the lasting smile you desire, contact Dr. Kirtley today!

For more information on cosmetic dentistry and to make an appointment call, Dr. Kirtley at 317-841-1111 or visit his website  porcelainveneersindianapolis.com

Dr. Kirtley gladly welcomes patients from Spring Hill, Beech Grove and Warren Park.