Tag Archives: dental implants

What to Expect on a Visit to the Dentist | Indianapolis Cosmetic Dentist

Woman having teeth examined at dentistsMost dentists recommend you visit their offices every 6 months for a professional cleaning, and during those visits it’s common for patients and dentists to learn more about each other, know what to expect, and have an idea for how the visit will unfold. But it’s also common for patients to move, change insurance, or otherwise visit a dentist for the first time, and knowing what to expect on that first visit can cause some mild patient anxiety.

The first thing most dentists will do when for a patient’s first visit is conduct x-rays. The x-rays not only provide a current glimpse at the state of the patient’s oral health, but they offer a glimpse at the patient’s dental history. Fillings, crowns, bridges and implants will be plainly visible, as well as any existing problems such as untreated decay.

As the dentist reviews the x-rays, it’s likely that the dentist will discuss your dental history – what problems has the patient had? What prompted the visit? What concerns does the patient have?

Based on the result of the x-rays, it’s likely that the dentist will determine that certain teeth need attention (perhaps a cavity needs to be filled), or that a general professional cleaning is needed, or perhaps that the patient is generally in good oral health. Depending on the time allotted for the visit, the dentist may be able to address his recommendations at that time, or may ask that the patient make a follow-up appointment.

If serious problems are discovered, it’s not unusual for dentists to refer patients to other specialists. Some dentists will refer patients needing root canals to an Endodontist, and patients needing corrective braces to an Orthodontist. This allows the dentist to focus on the patient’s general overall oral health, and leave the specialized procedures to experts in those fields.

If you’ll be visiting a new dentist for the first time, you should now have a pretty good idea of what to expect. If you’re still unsure, or if you have any questions, call the dentist’s office – they’ll be more than happy to walk you through the plans, and give you more details about what to expect on your first visit.

For more information on our dental services and to make an appointment call, Dr. Kirtley at 317-841-1111 or visit his website dentalimplantsinindianapolis.com 

Dr. Kirtley gladly welcomes patients from Spring Hill, Beech Grove and Warren Park.


Dental Implants | Indianapolis Cosmetic Dentist

Many patients put off going to the dentist. Whether they’re afraid of the pain, the noise of the procedures, or the monetary cost of dental work, putting off dental visits can cause small problems to turn into larger problems, and left long enough, entire teeth can be lost due to decay, infection, or physical problems such as cracking.

For the most severe dental problems, one of the common treatments is the dental implant. Where fillings remove small areas of decay with a synthetic substance and crowns place a cap over an existing tooth root, implants replace the entire tooth – root and all. The process is involved, but done properly, a tooth implant can last many decades, potentially even a lifetime.

The procedure starts by removing the existing tooth and root, and placing a titanium implant post into the patient’s jawbone. This metal post is the foundation for the entire implant, and it should be allowed to heal for 6-12 weeks, as the bone forms a permanent bond with the metal post. Once firmly bonded, the dentist will attach a second metal connector – known as an abutment – to the post, which provides a connecting surface for the replacement tooth. The dentist will then make impressions, modeling the entire mouth so that the replacement crown perfectly matches your existing bite. Finally, the crown will be attached permanently to the abutment, providing a solid, permanent tooth

The overall process typically involves very little pain – while there may be some pain in the initial extraction, the rest of the procedure can typically be done under local anesthesia (such as Novocain). The procedure does take a few months to allow the post to properly bond to the jawbone, but once complete, the patient will have a natural looking, durable, convenient replacement for even the most severely damaged teeth.

For more information and to make an appointment call, Dr. Kirtley at 317-841-1111 or visit his website smilesbygeorge.com

Dr. George Kirtley welcomes patients from Spring Hill, Beech Grove and Warren Park

Taking Care of Your Dental Implants

IF you have just received dental implants, half of the battle is over. Getting them in is one thing, however, maintaining them is more important. Now is the time in which you should practice better oral hygiene than you did before. Good oral hygiene before, during, and after placement of dental implants will ensure the health and longevity of the implants.

Proper care of your implants is important to their continued function and good health. While they are not subject to cavities as our natural teeth are, they can develop gum inflammation, and even infection and bone loss if not properly maintained. Whereas localized inflammation and infection around your teeth is known as periodontal disease, a similar process can occur around implants and is known as peri-implantitis.

Your “new teeth” will require periodic checking by your dentist to ensure the surrounding gums and bone are maintained and healthy. This also requires periodic x-rays to evaluate the level of bone around your implants. The dental restorations attached to your implants will also require periodic checking by your dentist to verify that they are secure and functioning properly.

Implant dentistry can restore your smile and oral health. To see if dental implants are right for you, contact Dr. Kirtley at 317-841-1111 or visit the website www.dentalimplantsindianapolis

Implant Dentistry, Step by Step – Indianapolis, IN

Dental implant treatment is usually a three part process. It takes several months to complete. Dr. George Kirtley of Indianapolis, IN wants to make sure his patients are well informed of all procedures offered to them and how they work. We will take you through the implant process step by step.

Step 1

The implant is surgically placed in the jaw. The top of the implant will be slightly above the top of the bone. To prevent debris and gum tissue from entering, a screw is inserted. The gum is placed over the implant for about 3 -6 months. The implant needs this time to fuse with the bone.

Step 2

The implant is uncovered and a post is attached to the implant. In some cases the implant and post are both placed in the mouth during step 1. Dr. Kirtley will decide which option is best for you. Once the gum tissue is healed the implant and post are ready for the new tooth.

Step 3

A crown is made that will match your other teeth. Once the crown is made it is attached to the implant post. You now have an artificial replacement tooth. They do not need to be removed for soaking and cleaning and no adhesives needed, as with dentures. It acts and looks just like a real tooth.

Implant dentistry can restore your smile and oral health. To see if dental implants are right for you, contact Dr. Kirtley at 317-841-1111 or visit the website www.smilesbygeorge.com.





Tired of your Bridge or Dentures? Dental Implants could be the solution. | Indianapolis, IN

Not many people know what a dental implant is, what it does and if it’s right for them. Dr. George Kirtley DDS of Indianapolis, IN has put together some information to shed more light on dental implants.

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is placed into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge. Dental implants are good for people in good general oral health who have lost a tooth or teeth due to periodontal disease, an injury, or some other reason. Dental implants are natural-looking and feeling and under proper conditions, such as placement by a diligent patient maintenance, implants can last a lifetime.

What do Dental Implants Do?

  • Replace one or more teeth
  • Support a bridge and reduce the need for a partial denture.
  • Provide support for a denture, making it more secure and comfortable.

Types of Implants

  • Endosteal (in the bone): Most commonly used type of implant. Screws, cylinders or blades are surgically placed into the jawbone.
  • Subperiosteal (on the bone): These are placed on top of the jaw with the metal framework’s

Dental Implants vs Dentures or a Bridge

Esthetically dental implants look and feel like your own teeth. Since dental implants integrate into the structure of your bone, they prevent the bone loss and gum recession that often happen with bridgework and dentures.

Neighboring teeth are not changed to support the implant as with a bridge. More of your own teeth are left untouched, a significant long-term benefit to your oral health.

Dental implants are secure. You don’t have to worry when speaking or eating. No messy pastes and glue. You will go about your daily routine with confidence and comfort.

The success rate of dental implants is highly predictable. They are considered an excellent option for tooth replacement.

Are Dental Implants Right for You?

Ideally you need to be in good oral health and have adequate bone in your jaw to support the implant. In addition you will need healthy gum tissue, free of periodontal disease.

If you think you could benefit from a dental implant, make an appointment today with Dr. Kirtley at 317-841-1111 or visit his website at www.smilesbygeorge.com.