Tag Archives: General Dentistry

The ABCs of Tooth Extractions | Indianapolis Dentist

There’s a classic idiom in the English language that compares unpleasant, difficult tasks to pulling teeth. Known as dental extraction, pulling teeth is recommended in situations in which you’ve likely developed a toothache and it hurt enough to visit the dentist. And while it isn’t our idea of a fun day, dental extractions have come a long way, and you shouldn’t have a bad feeling about getting one. Here are some of the reasons your tooth needs to be extracted:

  • Seriously damaged teeth, either due to injury or decay, unable to be saved
  • A wisdom tooth (third molar) that may cause crowding, alignment problems, pain, or infection
  • Teeth blocking another tooth from coming in
  • Baby tooth that didn’t fall out in time
  • Crowded teeth may require removal to allow braces to better adjust the remaining teeth
  • Infected teeth that could potentially be an infection source in high-risk patients such as those undergoing organ transplants or cancer treatment

Extractions typically fall into one of two classes – simple and surgical. Dentists often perform simple extractions, which generally involve a single tooth that is visible in the mouth, with clear alignment – after numbing the area with local anesthetic, the tooth will be loosened using an instrument known as an elevator, and then pulled with an instrument known as forceps. For surgical removal, the surgeon may use local anesthetic, moderate sedation, or general anesthesia, and likely use a combination of tools and techniques to remove teeth that may be difficult to see (or still within the gums).

If your dentist recommends an extraction, it’s likely that you have a potentially serious problem. While it’s unlikely you’ll celebrate the news, you need not fear – there are worse problems to have than pulling teeth.

Visit Dr. Kirtley today and schedule an appointment to maintain a healthy smile.  Call 317-841-1111 or www.smilesbygeorge.com.

Dr. George Kirtley proudly serves Indianapolis and all surrounding areas.

Halloween Sweets that Are Harming Your Smile | Indianapolis Dentist

As parents, we want to give our children the world, even if that means we have to play ‘bad cop’ once in a while. Halloween is the brink of the holiday season, a season that is filled with delicious treats everywhere we look. And that’s bad news for our smiles if we aren’t careful. The following is a list of a few culprits – the more you avoid them, the better off your smile will be. We aren’t saying don’t celebrate the season, just do it in moderation to avoid issues in the future:

Skittles. Skittles may want you to taste rainbows, but they are also letting you ruin your teeth’s enamel by combining sweet and sour for a pH level of 2.5, levels so high they can cause serious damage to your little one’s teeth. 

Caramel. Not only does the sticky texture stick to your teeth’s surface and loves to get deep into the crevices, but it can also loosen dental fixtures, like braces or fillings, making it especially harmful for those with dental work. 

Gummy Bears. Similar to caramels and other sticky candies, the gelatin used to make the gummy candy gummy, also sticks to the crevices of your teeth, making it difficult to remove.

Jolly Ranchers. Not only are they a hard candy that can damage teeth when bitten but sucking on hard candy isn’t a quick process, and the sugar wastes no time working their way into a tooth.

Halloween is an exciting holiday for the little humans. It is important to impart good habits early, while still allowing the fun to continue. The best way to do that is to make it a family affair. Happy Halloween!

Visit Dr. Kirtley today and schedule an appointment to maintain a healthy smile.  Call 317-841-1111 or www.smilesbygeorge.com.

Dr. George Kirtley proudly serves Indianapolis and all surrounding areas.

All Is Not Lost if You Lose a Tooth | Indianapolis Dentist

For most of us, losing a tooth can be a nerve-wracking experience. Not only do you have every reason to panic because you were likely in an accident of some sort, but there is no need to fret if you think your smile is doomed. Because hockey players may consider a lost tooth a badge of honor, but it is possible to re-implant a knocked-out adult tooth. A severed root experiences damage to blood vessels and tissue, but the ligaments connecting the tooth to the bone can be re-formed. The key to a successful reimplantation is how the missing tooth is stored and for how long.

Assuming you can find the tooth, avoid scraping off any dirt particles, as you risk damaging the root further. Instead, rinse it gently with a saline solution while carefully handling it by the crown. If possible, place the tooth back in its original socket, or store it in a small container with saline or milk. Milk – containing proteins, sugar, and antibacterial substances—provides the ideal environment for a lost tooth. As an added bonus, the sugars in milk help feed cells, which need to remain alive and growing in the short term.

Don’t have access to any of the above? Don’t panic. Your cheek will work well for storage in the interim; just be careful not to swallow your precious cargo.

Placing pressure on the gums will also help to reduce the bleeding and pain as you are en route to the dentist. Depending on the damage, a successful reimplanted tooth can heal significantly in three to four weeks and become fully repaired within two months.

Visit Dr. Kirtley today and schedule an appointment to maintain a healthy smile.  Call 317-841-1111 or www.smilesbygeorge.com.

Dr. George Kirtley proudly serves Indianapolis and all surrounding areas.

Being Tired Will Slowly Kill You | Indianapolis Dentist

When you snore, it isn’t some type of self-discovery – someone we love has been sleeping next to us and it has disturbed their sleep. And if you are the culprit of stealing someone’s sleep, it’s an awful feeling. We wish we could fix it. The good thing is, there are many ways to help ease your snoring issues. And it is important that you get it checked because unfortunately, snoring can kill you.

Everybody has a snoring story to share, and most of them are really funny. What isn’t funny are the damaging affects snoring has on your health. Health concerns ranging from frustrating to life-threatening can result from inadequate or lack of sleep.

Sleep disorders such as snoring and sleep apnea can increase the risk of hypertension, heart disease and strokes. It can also lead to serious illness and major accidents. Just think about it – people fall asleep driving all of the time, and sleep apnea sufferers are over 300% more liable to be involved in a fatal car crash.

The label “sleep with sound” has been given to snoring but one thing is for sure. A snorer acquires no sound sleep. Those lacking regular, quality sleep increases their chance for heart attacks by more than 23 times. The compounded strain and stress on your body can activate depression, disease, illness, mental disorders and a myriad of physical obstacles.

If you or someone you love snores and is habitually tired during the day, the possibility for health complications and even death, are increased. That is no laughing matter. Schedule a sleep study so everyone involved can get a good night’s sleep.

Visit Dr. Kirtley today and schedule an appointment to maintain a healthy smile.  Call 317-841-1111 or www.smilesbygeorge.com.

Dr. George Kirtley proudly serves Indianapolis and all surrounding areas.

Smile Makeovers Will Change Your Life | Indianapolis Dentist

They say that first impressions last, and few, if any, makes more of an impression than your smile. This is why it’s important that your smile make as good of an impression as it can. If you are, however, like most people, you’ve likely dreamt of having a better-looking smile, one that’s straighter, and preferably, whiter. To get that smile, a process known as a smile makeover may just be what you need.

A smile makeover is a process whose main goal is to improve the appearance of the smile through a combination of various cosmetic dentistry treatments or procedures. The list of treatments includes, but are not limited to, dental veneers, composite bonding, tooth implants and teeth whitening. It is similar to a full mouth reconstruction where multiple procedures are involved. However, the two differ in that a smile makeover is elective, while a full mouth reconstruction is necessary.

More than being a cosmetic procedure, though, a smile makeover carries a lot of functional and health benefits as well. Cosmetic dental treatments alone are expensive enough, which makes it safe to say that a series of such treatments is bound to cost a lot.

But it is worth it? If you’re perfectly content with what you have, then good for you. However, if you’re like many others whose personal and professional life is and has been suffering because of how much trouble they have smiling, then you may want to really consider getting a smile makeover treatment.

Yes, a smile makeover is expensive, but as long as you see your smile as something that you’ll own and wear for the rest of your life, it is a worthy investment for a lifetime of smiles.

Visit Dr. Kirtley today and schedule an appointment to maintain a healthy smile.  Call 317-841-1111 or www.smilesbygeorge.com.

Dr. George Kirtley proudly serves Indianapolis and all surrounding areas.

You Really Should Get Your Teeth Cleaned Twice a Year | Indianapolis Dentist

If only you knew just what exactly is happening inside your mouth every day, you probably wouldn’t need to be reminded, nor wonder, why it’s important to get your teeth cleaned every six months. You see, brushing and flossing alone aren’t enough to keep your teeth clean and healthy, and to further convince you, here are five reasons why you need to visit the dentist every six months:

Oral cancer prevention. Just like with any cancer, your survival rate increases dramatically the sooner it is diagnosed. If you frequently drink alcohol or smoke tobacco, then it’s even more important to have your mouth checked every six months for signs of oral cancer.

Treatment and prevention of oral infections. Contrary to popular belief, normal and healthy mouths do not and never will bleed when flossing or brushing, even after a round of dental cleaning. Bleeding gums are one of the earliest signs of gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss and other complications if not treated early.

Clean, fresh breath. Sure, it’s normal for the mouth to not always smell minty fresh. But bad breath on a regular basis is a telltale sign of an oral infection, something that only your dentist can treat.

Dental problems lower. Although dentists recommend paying them a visit every six months to lower one’s risk for dental problems, some people actually need to have their teeth cleaned much more often.

Keeping your teeth white and healthy. The first impression we make to strangers is our smile. By visiting the dentist regularly, you can keep your teeth looking shiny and healthy, allowing you to smile way more often without being self-conscious.

Visit Dr. Kirtley today and schedule an appointment to maintain a healthy smile.  Call 317-841-1111 or www.smilesbygeorge.com.

Dr. George Kirtley proudly serves Indianapolis and all surrounding areas.

Do You Have Dental Phobia? | Indianapolis Dentist

Are you one in the millions of Americans considered to have a dental phobia? Maybe you had a bad experience as a child, maybe you just can’t handle people and instruments that close to your face. Whatever it is, you’re definitely not alone.

Dental anxiety and phobia are extremely common. In a survey by the British Dental Health Foundation, 36% of those who didn’t see a dentist regularly said that fear was the main reason. Dental phobia keeps many people from seeing their dentists for regular check-ups, which could result in poor oral health. Women are more likely to suffer from this phobia than men.

The most common fear of visiting the dentist is having a tooth drilled and the local anesthetic injection. People are not born with a fear of the dentist, you develop it and can overcome it. Today dentistry is much different than it used to be. It can be a pain free, anxiety free experience. Relaxation and sedation techniques have been proven in helping overcome dental phobias. Some of the signs of dental phobia include:

  • Tension or having trouble sleeping the night before a dental exam
  • Increasingly nervous while you’re in the waiting room
  • The sight of dental instruments or personnel increases your anxiety
  • The thought of a dental visit makes you feel physically ill
  • Panic or trouble breathing when objects are placed in your mouth during a dental appointment

Our patients have commented that if they had known how comfortable treatment was under sedation they never would have had any worries about dental treatment. This is such a relaxing procedure that it’s often referred to as sleep dentistry.

Visit Dr. Kirtley today and schedule an appointment to maintain a healthy smile.  Call 317-841-1111 or www.smilesbygeorge.com.

Dr. George Kirtley proudly serves Indianapolis and all surrounding areas.

Missing Teeth? Make a Dental Appointment Today | Indianapolis Dentist

There are many adults that have had a couple of decayed or missing teeth replaced. While replacing your missing teeth for aesthetic reasons is understandable, it’s important to have any missing teeth replaced for your oral health. Your teeth are meant to work together to help you chew, smile and speak. When you have missing teeth, these can be difficult to do. The loss of your back teeth may cause your mouth to shift and your face to appear older or sunken in. Fortunately, with the help of modern dentistry, missing teeth can be replaced. The following are some of the tooth replacement options that should be available to you by your dental care professional:

Dental implants. Many people opt for dental implants to replace a single tooth, several teeth, or to support a full set of dentures. The process of getting dental implants placed typically involves three phases that take place over several weeks, which is the main disadvantage.

Bridges. If your teeth can be fixed with a dental bridge, which is basically a dental appliance that is used to fill in the missing space. Unlike dental implants that are surgically placed and securely integrated into your jawbone, bridges rely on the neighboring teeth for support.

Dentures. Dentures are removable dental appliances that can replace a single tooth or a full set. Dentures usually have replacement teeth attached to a plastic base that matches the color of your gums and, depending on your case, are either partial dentures or full dentures.

Visit Dr. Kirtley today and schedule an appointment to maintain a healthy smile.  Call 317-841-1111 or www.smilesbygeorge.com.

Dr. George Kirtley proudly serves Indianapolis and all surrounding areas.

Ways to Brighten Your Smile | Indianapolis Dentist

teeth whitening

As we prepare to embark on another year, it is important to try to start it off on the right foot. For some of us, it is a brighter smile. And while we do our best to keep up with our dental hygiene, over time our teeth will begin to develop a yellowish tinge. It’s time for a teeth whitening treatment. But which to choose? Here is a quick breakdown to help you as you decide which option to choose.

Zoom! Plus teeth whitening

Teeth whitening can help you achieve a beautifully white smile by bleaching your teeth and removing any deep stains that cannot be removed by brushing or hygiene appointments. Here at our Indianapolis teeth whitening office, we use the latest Zoom! Plus, in-office laser tooth whitening system as seen on hit TV shows such as Extreme Makeover. The Zoom! system delivers great results and in about 1 hour we can brighten your teeth by several shades.

Home bleaching

In addition to in-office power whitening, we also offer professional home bleaching kits. We custom fabricate whitening trays to fit over your teeth and then supply you with a professional-grade tooth whitening solution to carry out the whitening procedure in the comfort of your own home. The home bleaching delivers results over a longer time period. Many of our patients choose combination treatment with in-office whitening followed by the home bleaching. This enables you to maintain your beautiful white smile and top it up whenever you want.

There is no reason we have to start the year with a less than perfect smile. It’s time to schedule an appointment to get the smile you’ve always wanted.

Visit Dr. Kirtley today and schedule an appointment to maintain a healthy smile.  Call 317-841-1111 or www.smilesbygeorge.com.

Dr. George Kirtley proudly serves Indianapolis and all surrounding areas.

Sorting Through Your Trick-or-Treat Bag | Indianapolis Dentist

Sorting Through Your Trick-or-Treat Bag

When we think about Halloween, we think about overflowing bags of free candy. And while we hate to admit it, these sweet treats are not very tooth-friendly and can have devastating effects. When candy gets stuck in the grooves of your teeth it can cause a damaging acid to form in your mouth. This acid from the candy affects the teeth 20 minutes before it’s neutralized. Here’s a breakdown Halloween’s favorite candy from best to worst for our smiles:

Best Candy for Teeth

  • Chocolate dissolves quickly, which decreases the amount of time the sugar stays in contact with teeth. Choose your favorite chocolate but avoid the fillings like nuts or caramel, as they can damage to teeth.
  • Sugar-free lollipops and hard candies stimulate saliva production, which flushes away bad bacteria from your teeth, gums and tongue.
  • Sugar-free gum can help remove food particles and stimulate saliva production.

Worst Candy for Teeth

  • When it comes to sticky candy, stickier the candy, the worse it is for teeth.
  • Hard candy stays in your mouth longer, drenching your mouth in sugar.
  • Candy corn is full of sugar that produces acid that eats away tooth enamel.
  • Sour candy is high in acid levels, which can break down tooth enamel.
  • Jawbreakers are so hard they can actually chip a tooth.

Make sure to brush and floss your teeth after indulging in your Halloween treats. If you can’t brush right away, drink plenty of water to help loosen some of the residue left behind. Brushing and flossing your teeth is a must, especially during Halloween.

Visit Dr. Kirtley today and schedule an appointment to maintain a healthy smile.  Call 317-841-1111 or www.smilesbygeorge.com.

Dr. George Kirtley proudly serves Indianapolis and all surrounding areas.