Tag Archives: General Dentistry

Foods to Avoid for a Healthy Mouth | Indianapolis Cosmetic Dentist

multiple smilesMost people probably don’t look forward to their biannual rendezvous at the dentist’s. But the discomfort from the poking and scraping of routine cleanings is nothing compared to the pain of more intensive procedures, like fillings and root canals. So wouldn’t it be nice to seriously lower your chances of needing dental work with some strategic eating?

There are plenty of foods that people should be avoiding if they want to keep their teeth in good shape. But what’s not in your dentists kitchen?

Soda (even diet):

Your favorite sugary soda is a total smile saboteur.

Hard Candy:

Savoring a sweet sucker might seem innocent enough, but not so fast. Sucking these candies exposes your mouth to harsh sugars for longer periods of time. And chewing on them can break or crack teeth, fillings, and sealants.


Sure, ice is sugar-free—but if you tend to chew on the cubes once you’ve finished a beverage, they can cause major damage. Dental experts say nibbling on ice is a major no-no as it can easily crack or break teeth.

White Wine:

Sorry chardonnay fans. While the deep color of red wine can cause discoloration, white wine might actually trigger even more damage. The acidity in wine makes teeth more susceptible to stains, and white wine is generally more acidic.

Chewy Candy:

That dentists avoid taffy and caramels like the plague isn’t exactly surprising. Sticky candies get stuck between braces and teeth, allowing plaque to build up. Plus, a chewy candy in the wrong place at the wrong time can easily take a tooth out.


Noshing a pb&j is reminiscent of childhood, but it’s a surefire way to prematurely age your teeth. The high sugar content of all three ingredients means that as soon as you bite in, enamel-eroding bacteria go on a feeding frenzy. And because peanut butter and jelly are both sticky, they allow the bacteria to adhere to your teeth.

Dried Fruit:

Things like raisins, figs, and dried apricots are bursting with nutrition. Unfortunately, they’re also packed with a dense dose of sugar and non-soluble cellulose fiber, which can bind and trap those sugars around the tooth to the same extent as saltwater taffy. Your best bet? Sticking with the fresh version as much as possible(Source: prevention.com).

Keep your smile healthy with proper oral care and diet!

For more information and to make an appointment call, Dr. Kirtley at 317-841-1111 or visit his website smilesbygeorge.com

Dr. George Kirtley welcomes patients from Spring Hill, Beech Grove and Warren Park

Bruxism | Indianapolis Cosmetic Dentist

Young Man Suffering From Toothache

Bruxism is the excessive grinding of the teeth and/or excessive clenching of the jaw. Bruxism can be very damaging to your teeth and jaw. Teeth grinding can be caused not just by stress and anxiety but by sleep disorders, an abnormal bite or teeth that are missing or crooked. It’s imperative if you grind your teeth to see your dentist right away. Your dentist can fit you with a mouth guard needed to protect your teeth during sleep and develop a long term solution to your teeth grinding problem.

Why Do People Grind Their Teeth?

Although teeth grinding can be caused by stress and anxiety, it often occurs during sleep and is more likely caused by an abnormal bite or missing or crooked teeth.

How Do I Find Out if I Grind My Teeth?

Because grinding often occurs during sleep, most people are unaware that they grind their teeth. However, a dull, constant headache or sore jaw is a telltale symptom of bruxism. Many times people learn that they grind their teeth by their loved one who hears the grinding at night. You dentist can also examine your jaw and abnormalities with your teeth.

Why Is Teeth Grinding Harmful?

In some cases, chronic teeth grinding can result in a fracturing, loosening, or loss of teeth. The chronic grinding may wear their teeth down to stumps. When these events happen, bridges, crowns,root canals, implants, partial dentures, and even complete dentures may be needed.

Not only can severe grinding damage teeth and result in tooth loss, it can also affect your jaws, result in hearing loss, cause or worsen TMD/TMJ, and even change the appearance of your face.

What Can I Do to Stop Grinding My Teeth?

Your dentist can fit you with a mouth guard to protect your teeth from grinding during sleep.

If stress is causing you to grind your teeth, ask your doctor or dentist about options to reduce your stress. Attending stress counseling, starting an exercise program, seeing a physical therapist or obtaining a prescription for muscle relaxants are among some of the options that may be offered.

Other tips to help you stop teeth grinding include:

  • Avoid or cut back on foods and drinks that contain caffeine, such as colas, chocolate, and coffee.
  • Avoid alcohol. Grinding tends to intensify after alcohol consumption.
  • Do not chew on pencils or pens or anything that is not food. Avoid chewing gum as it allows your jaw muscles to get more used to clenching and makes you more likely to grind your teeth.
  • Train yourself not to clench or grind your teeth. If you notice that you clench or grind during the day, position the tip of your tongue between your teeth. This practice trains your jaw muscles to relax.
  • Relax your jaw muscles at night by holding a warm washcloth against your cheek in front of your earlobe.

Call your physician or dentist if you have symptoms of bruxism, or if you are told that you grind your teeth while you sleep.

For more information and to make an appointment call, Dr. Kirtley at 317-841-1111 or visit his website smilesbygeorge.com

Dr. George Kirtley welcomes patients from Spring Hill, Beech Grove and Warren Park

How to Curb Bad Breath | Indianapolis Cosmetic Dentist

We all want to maintain fresh breath throughout the day but if we don’t have a toothbrush at our disposal how do we accomplish that?

Nobody wants to hear, “You have bad breath.”

Below are five easy ways to keep your breath fresh all day!:

  • Stay hydrated. If you can’t brush your teeth after a meal, drinking a lot of water can help speed up the process of cleaning harmful bacteria and debris from between your teeth. Drinking milk can even help deodorize some offensive breath odors. Avoid sugary drinks!
  • Don’t drink too much coffee. It may be tasty, but coffee is a tough smell to get off the back of your tongue.
  • Don’t smoke or use other tobacco products. Cigarettes, pipes, and snuff can foul your breath. Smoking gives people horrible breath!
  • Cut back on alcohol. Alcohol can lead to a dry mouth. Too much beer, wine, and hard liquor can make your breath reek for up to eight to 10 hours after you finish drinking.
  • Chew sugarless gum. Doing so 20 minutes after a meal can help with saliva flow. Gum that’s 100% xylitol-sweetened can help reduce cavities(Source: WebMD).

For more information and to make an appointment call, Dr. Kirtley at 317-841-1111 or visit his website smilesbygeorge.com

Dr. George Kirtley welcomes patients from Spring Hill, Beech Grove and Warren Park



Are Dental Crowns for You? | Indianapolis Cosmetic Dentist

Dental Crowns are dental restorations that are placed over teeth to restore the strength and structure. So how do you know if you need a dental crown?  If your tooth is in danger of breaking a dental crown procedure may be the right solution for you. A breaking or damaged tooth indicates that there is a significant amount of decay that causes the tooth to become frail. In order to restore your tooth to its natural strength, a dental crown will be used to improve the longevity and durability of your tooth. Discoloration on the tooth also indicates that you may need a dental crown. This can easily be solved with a dental crown that will not only improve your oral health, but give you a confident and radiant smile.

Dr. Kirtley can determine whether or not a dental crown is right for you so call today. Avoid living with damaged and discolored teeth because dental crowns may be the solution to your dental predicaments.

Below are some benefits of dental crowns:

-Undergoing a cosmetic dental crown procedure can improve the look of broken or cracked teeth. If you are suffering from a loss of teeth, dental crowns are the solution to replace any missing teeth.

-Dental crowns look extremely natural because the porcelain and composite resin crowns match the exact shade of your natural teeth. With dental crowns, you will not be able to tell the difference from your crowns and natural teeth.

-Dental crowns are stain-resistant. This is because dental crowns are made from porcelain, a material that is not prone to discoloration.

-With durable materials used for your dental crowns, dental crowns can last up to 15 years. With dental crowns, patients can go about their daily routines without constantly worrying about their dental crowns falling out of place.

-Dental crowns are restorative and preventive measures that improve missing or damaged teeth. Dental crowns also drastically decrease the amount of bacteria build-up that can lead to the loss of more teeth.

If you are embarrassed of your missing or damaged teeth? Then dental crowns are the perfect solution to build your confidence!

For more information and to make an appointment call, Dr. Kirtley at 317-841-1111 or visit his website smilesbygeorge.com

Dr. George Kirtley welcomes patients from Spring Hill, Beech Grove and Warren Park

Oral Health & Overall Health | Indianapolis Cosmetic Dentist

With overwhelming evidence that oral health and total health are connected – the mouth is part of the systemic whole – it’s important to understand how food affects your teeth & gums. Food is not just sustenance, not just fuel and certainly not just a diversion. Food nurtures and heals. So the type of food you eat affects your health and wellbeing.

The right foods help you feel energetic, sleep better and prevent sickness.

Generally, good nutrition is beneficial for oral health as well as total health. Fill your diet with fresh produce, nuts & seeds, legumes, lean meats and whole grains. These contribute to a more alkaline state in the body, which defends against bacteria and inflammation.Avoid food with artificial preservatives, artificial sweeteners, food coloring, high fructose corn syrup, refined sugar, refined flour and partially hydrogenated oils. These contribute to a more acidic state in the body, which increases bacteria and creates inflammation.

Here is a list of 10 foods for great oral health will benefit your mouth. But they’re also good for the rest of you!

Kiwi: Most fruits contain Vitamin C, which is vital for the health of your gum tissue, but kiwis contain the highest amount. Without Vitamin C, the collagen in your gums breaks down, the gums become tender and more susceptible to the bacteria causing periodontal disease.

Cheese: High in phosphate and calcium, cheese helps balance the pH in the mouth, killing bacteria and preserving tooth enamel. This prevents cavities and gum disease.

Celery: As a crunchy vegetable made mainly of water, chewing celery produces saliva, neutralizing the bacteria that causes cavities. It’s also a naturally abrasive food that massages gums and cleans between teeth.

Green Tea: Enjoyed for centuries in Asia, green tea contains catechins that kill the bacteria leading to plaque while preventing gum disease and cavities. It also inhibits the growth of bacteria leading to bad breath.

Sesame Seeds: High in calcium, sesame seeds preserve the bone around the teeth & gums. They also help slough off plaque while helping build tooth enamel.

Onions: Onions have powerful antibacterial sulfur compounds, making them terrific for oral health. They are strongest when eaten fresh and uncooked.

Shiitake Mushrooms: These mushrooms contain lentinan, a naturally occurring sugar that prevents mouth bacteria from forming plaque.

Raisins: Sweet and tasty, raisins contain phytochemicals like oleanolic acid that inhibit two species of oral bacteria to prevent cavities and gum disease.

Sweet Potatoes: Along with carrots, pumpkin and broccoli, sweet potatoes have high amounts of Vitamin A, which is essential for tooth enamel formation and promotes healing of gum tissue.

Water: Water is effective at swishing away stuck particles and residue from teeth. It also keeps your gums hydrated while stimulating saliva – the best defense against bacteria.

For more information and to make an appointment call, Dr. Kirtley at 317-841-1111 or visit his website smilesbygeorge.com

Dr. George Kirtley welcomes patients from Spring Hill, Beech Grove and Warren Park

When Sleep Decreases, Your Overall Risk Increases

When sleep decreases, your overall risk increases.

“Coming up on the 6:00 news. A fatality on our roads today as the driver apparently fell asleep at the wheel . . . “

Their annual summer vacation was all but over and the Brown’s were driving down the highway. They were on their way back home, the kids all safe and fast asleep in the back seat. Suddenly, a truck on the opposite side of the highway swerved into the ditch and continued to roll a dozen times before completely stopping just short of a telephone pole.

The Browns were shocked and the next morning made a point of scanning the paper to determine the fate of the occupants in the vehicle. The paper reported the lone inhabitant was pronounced dead at the scene and the crash was a result of the driver falling asleep at the wheel.

A major cause of accidents is impaired sleep. Plain and simple. Carelessness and fatigue resulting from sleep loss play a huge factor in far more disasters than ever get reported on. When polled, more than one-third of all people who said they have driven while drowsy, indicated they have fallen asleep at the wheel.

It comes as no surprise to learn that lack of sleep alters emotions and moods. What may be a surprise to learn is sleep deprived individuals compared to someone under the influence of alcohol – have similar reaction times. Recently a study showed more than half of all road accidents are committed by sleep deprived individuals.

Your reaction time and attentiveness are affected by inadequate amounts of sleep. An estimated twenty percent of all workplace related injuries transpire because of a person’s sleepiness. Accidents in the workplace result in financial burdens affecting corporations, society, the health care system and the individual.

You get behind the wheel when you are tired and you don’t think twice about it. Driving while sleepy sounds harmless enough. Going about your day when you are a little tired doesn’t appear to be hurting anyone. The truth is – it’s hazardous and risky. Sleepiness is a liability that doesn’t discriminate. It impairs your reaction time, your mental and physical ability and your capacity to make judgments and process information.

For more information and to make an appointment call, Dr. Kirtley at 317-841-1111 or visit his website smilesbygeorge.com

As seen on SleepDallas.com

Dr. George Kirtley welcomes patients from Spring Hill, Beech Grove and Warren Park

The Benefits of Flossing | Indianapolis Cosmetic Dentist

We all know we’re supposed to floss daily but lets be honest most of us don’t! We’re sure you all dread when you’re sitting in the dentists chair and they ask, ‘How often do you floss?’ While you’re calculating in your head how much you floss and if you should fib to the dentist about your flossing habits lets go over why it’s so important to floss daily.

1- Flossing and Brushing Are More Effective Than Brushing Alone

A toothbrush works to removing plaque with its bristles. Brushing alone has one big drawback: A toothbrush’s bristles can’t adequately clean between the teeth or under the gums. That’s where floss comes in, to get in those tiny spaces between your teeth to get the grime out your toothbrush can’t reach.

2- Flossing Protects Your Gums

Where the gums and teeth meet are where flossing plays its major role. Particles of food can get lodged here, and plaque in this area will harden over time to form tartar, that your dentist will remove with a scraper. Tartar buildup can lead to gingivitis.

3- Flossing Helps Prevent Other Diseases

Gum disease can have effects that go beyond discolored teeth, discomfort and bad breath. Research has shown that the bacteria in an unhealthy mouth can harm the rest of the body, leading to heart disease, diabetes and respiratory illness.

So the next time your dentists asks you if you’ve been flossing regularly, we hope you’ll be able to answer with a resounding, ‘Yes!’

To make an appointment call, Dr. Kirtley at 317-841-1111 or visit his website smilesbygeorge.com

Dr. George Kirtley welcomes patients from Spring Hill, Beech Grove and Warren Park

Porcelain Veneers | Indianapolis, Indiana


Smiles by George is a cosmetic, restorative, and family dentistry located in Indianapolis. Dr. Kirtley has crafted hundreds of smiles through a series of special techniques in which he has picked up over the years. He has treated individuals from all over the United States and Europe, grazing multiple magazine covers with his work. As the man behind the magic, Dr. Kirtely works hard with patients to help them achieve the award winning smile that they have always dreamed of.

Dental Veneers

Veneers are shells of porcelain that are tailor made to fit over the surfaces of the teeth. With their malleable like material, veneers are made to fit the size and shape of any surrounding teeth, furthermore giving off the most natural appearance any individual would want.

Dr. Kirtley has taken dental veneers one step further by using his software device known as Envision. This allows patients the opportunity to view what their teeth would look like with the procedure before it even occurs! The smile imaging program is a new and innovative device that allows you to make any adjustments or fix any issues you see, ensuring you the most perfect form of the smile that you’ve always wanted.

For more information on porcelain veneers or to make an appointment call, Dr. Kirtley at 317-841-1111 or visit his website http://www.porcelainveneersindianapolis.com/

What is a General Dentist | Indianapolis, IN

A general dentist is the primary dental care provider for patients of all ages. They are responsible for all of the basic dental needs of their patients as well as assisting them in finding the appropriate help for deeper dental issues.

General dentists make up the majority of the 143,000 dentists practicing in the Unites States and Canada. Oftentimes, they become partners or associates with other dentists in a group practice. Some dentists work in government health services, research programs, higher education, corporations and even the military.

The American Dental Association recommends that you visit your dentist regularly which is about once every six months. This will ensure proper oral hygiene and functionality. Regular checkups and oral health maintenance prevent the development of serious dental problems that may require costly treatment.

Dr. Kirtley is the only dentist worldwide who has the distinction of being accredited by both the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. Visit him today for a dental check-up! To make an appointment call, Dr. Kirtley at 317-841-1111 or visit his website www.smilesbygeorge.com.

Athletic Performance Linked to Better Teeth | Indianapolis, IN

If you are an athlete looking to better your overall performance on the field, track, court, or ice, you should look into your oral health! Recent studies done and published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine in 2012 showed that 18 percent of athletes who attended the dental clinic of the London 2012 Olympic Games reported that their oral health damaged their training and performance in the games.

Researchers surveyed and examined 302 athletes from 25 sports and concluded these results:

  • Fifty-five percent had dental caries, the disease that causes cavities;
  • Forty-five percent had dental erosion;
  • More than three-quarters had gingivitis and 15 percent had gum disease;
  • More than 40 percent of athletes were “bothered” by their oral health with 28 percent saying it impacted their quality of life and 18 percent saw an impact on their training and performance;
  • Nearly half of the participants had not had an oral exam or hygiene care in the previous year.

This just goes to show that oral health is an important tool and element of overall health, as it can effect one’s overall performance.

So, schedule your appointments today and get back on track for better oral health. To make an appointment call, Dr. Kirtley at 317-841-1111 or visit his website www.smilesbygeorge.com.